Friday 13 November 2009


Youth culture has developed enormously from what it was 50 years ago. A large part of this has been down to the rebellious new genres of music creating social groups among adolescents who crave to find their identity. Music magazines have encouraged the rise of different social groups by the increase in niche magazines. These social groups are determined by one's way of thinking, taste in music, where one spends their spare time, and how one dresses.
The different social groups have changed through the years, from the hippies in the 1960's who wore colourful clothes and believed in peace, to the 'goths' who wear black and base their life around depressing concepts. Music magazines have the power of publicising new trends and letting anyone join the group, therefore young people feel a part of something. Music magazines use synthetic personalisation, therefore the readers feel a part of a community as the writer creates the impression they all know one another. Music magazines can have an impact of the reader's ideology, and general way of acting in society.

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