Tuesday 24 November 2009


Advertising is the way in which companies raise awareness and consumption of their products. Adverts are delivered through lots of different types of media, for example magazines. As the advertisers want to increase the consumption of their product, they will place their adverts in places which their target audience will see them. Therefore, for a music magazine of my genre, which is Indie, there would be adverts for fashionable clothing ranges, or adverts for music stores.
The way in which magazines get advertisers to place their adverts in the magazine, is by making a reader profile. This shows what the reader is interested in, and sometimes includes information about the average age. The advertiser can then see whether their product would be best fitted in this magazine.

I have looked at the adverts in a music magazine aimed a similar target audience to my one called Kerrang! there are 44 adverts. However, only 19 of these are not gig and tour adverts. In Kerrang! there is a double page dedicate to 'small ads' which holds lots of little advertisements from unknown clothing makes. There is also a small booklet in the magazine for LoudClothing.com. The products are not expensive, unlike those in a high market magazine such as Vogue. From the adverts in Kerrang! I can tell that the demographic for this magazine are young adults, mainly boys who belong to a rock niche.


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